Chapter 209 - Surprise

The earth was trembling. Above him, five thousand Managed Cavalry charged down!

They only had five thousand people, but their imposing manner was far superior to the Liu Jiajia below!

Managed was originally training with the Imperial Guards, but after the Imperial Guards left for Tongguan, Managed stayed in the Middle Han Area! However, when he was in the Middle Han Area, Zhao Chen would often train with the soldiers of the Managed! He shared a bed with the soldiers of the Managed. In ancient times, this was a huge "grace". The difficulty of Royal soldiers's training had even surpassed that of the Imperial Guards! The elites of the Managed are definitely not inferior to the Imperial Guards!

At the moment, Zhao Chen was at the front, with the five thousand riders from Managed following right behind him! They looked at the figure in front of them with blazing gazes. They knew that it was the emperor. The god in their hearts! As long as they followed this person, they would be able to obtain victory and easily defeat the enemy!

The five thousand of them carried an aura that could crush everything, while the Liu Jiajia below was in a complete mess.

"Raise your bows! "Get ready, shoot!" Zhao Chen shouted coldly!

He had already raised his bow, and the five thousand Managed soldiers behind him all raised their bows as well!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh * The sounds of arrows being shot were endless, as though it was raining arrows, as they flew towards the Liu Jiajia below!

And the Liu Jiajia Cavalry below were already stunned when the Managed appeared, many of them did not know what to do! Even Liu Guangshi didn't know what to do. Never in his wildest dreams did Liu Guangshi imagine that the Emperor Xuanwu he had so greatly despised would actually appear here! Before, when Liu Guangshi had "analyzed" the situation, they all thought that it was impossible for Zhao Chen's army to appear here, but Zhao Chen's army actually appeared!

"Follow me and charge!" Zhao Chen roared. He held his Seven Star Dragon's Abyss Sword horizontally in his hand, and with one slash, the head of the opposing Liu Jiajia Cavalry Knight was chopped off! Immediately, countless blood splattered onto Zhao Chen's body, and the stench of blood filled the surrounding space! Zhao Chen's expression did not change, it was just calm! On the battlefield, calmness was the best mental state! Zhao Chen was already calm to the extreme, under his lead, the countless Managed cavalry troops behind him followed him!

They were carrying an unstoppable force. No one could stop them! Under the attack of such a cavalry, even a Xiantian master would have to avoid it!

"Kill!" There were shouts of battle everywhere, and gradually, there were sounds of slaughter!

"Kang An, lead 2,000 of them around from the side! The cavalrymen that will attack the Liu Jiajia together with me! " Zhao Chen killed another enemy, his head and face was covered in blood, his expression was still extremely calm, and at that moment, he only heard him say that!

Kang An was worried about Zhao Chen's safety, so he had always been by Zhao Chen's side! Hearing Zhao Chen's order, he was stunned!

"Command is like a mountain! Aren't you going to carry out the orders? " Zhao Chen shouted.

Kang An laughed bitterly, and after that, he could only lead 2000 people to circle around, and walk forward!

Zhao Chen brought the remaining three thousand men and continued to chase after the Liu Jiajia cavalry!

After waiting for the Liu Jiajia cavalry to come down from the top, Liu Guangshi anxiously gathered the troops. He had already recovered from the state of shock, he knew that the situation was bad, Zhao Chen's troops were actually here to snipe at them! He had to retaliate now!

Suddenly, just at this time, Kang An led 2,000 people to rush over!

Liu Guangshi still had not gathered the troops yet, and the army was defeated once again!

"General!" Get out of here! If we stay, we will die! " Li Qiong said anxiously from behind Liu Guangshi.

"Damn it!" How could this be? That was the most useless Emperor Xuanwu, why would his army be here? I, Liu Guangshi do not believe it! " Liu Guangshi said angrily.

"General!" "Let's hurry up and go!" Li Qiong was extremely anxious, upon seeing that Liu Guangshi did not listen to him, she brought a few of her trusted aides and rushed in the direction of the Chang'an City!

Seeing that Li Qiong had actually left by herself, Liu Guangshi was stunned once again. His face turned red and then white, and seeing the unfavorable situation of the battlefield, he could only bring his soldiers and leave, fleeing into the distance!

Zhao Chen and Kang An coordinated with each other. The two riders were fighting head on, one was attacking from the front, and the other was attacking from the side!

In less than an hour, the Liu Jiajia s were almost all gone! Either they were killed by the Managed, or they had already knelt down and surrendered, or they had no idea where they had escaped to!

Corpses were strewn all over the battlefield, and the smell of blood rose to the skies!

Zhao Chen was riding the jade lion horse, and at that moment, the jade lion horse was also dyed red! Zhao Chen's clothes had already turned into bloody clothes!

The convoy had already stopped, and Zhao Chen's eyes were tightly fixed at the east, his face still as calm!

Kang An had already brought the other half of the cavalry army to Zhao Chen's side!

"Your majesty, we have defeated Liu Guangshi and killed countless of our enemies! This time, when the enemy is ambushed, we can leave right? " Kang An said excitedly.

"It's not the time to leave yet!" After a long while, Zhao Chen said.

"It's not time to leave yet? Are we going to stay here and snipe at the rebel army? However, the traitors already know that we're here, so there's no point in continuing our sniping! " Kang An said.

"We are not staying here. We are heading east! Follow me, we'll charge into the main army under the rebel army! We've already asked the captives just now, since Liu Guangshi has already escaped, they will definitely send back our message! However, we only have five thousand people, so their eight hundred thousand strong army will not be afraid of us. They would never think that we would dare to attack their army! Battling was nothing more than a surprise victory! The more they can't think of, the more we have to do it! As long as we are brave and meticulous, as long as we are brave and outstandingly fierce, we will not lose, only victory! " Zhao Chen said.

"AHH!" Kang An was stunned!

"Follow me and keep moving forward!" Zhao Chen said.

"But, Your Majesty, is this really too dangerous? Your Majesty, this lowly general is willing to lead Royal soldiers to attack their eight hundred thousand strong army, but your Majesty cannot! "Your Majesty, the land and the land belong to you alone. The people belong to you alone, so you cannot take the risk!" Kang An suddenly dismounted from his horse and knelt on the ground.

"Your Majesty! You must not take the risk! " At this time, the surrounding Royal soldiers also kneeled down, and said.

"Everyone get up! I have already given the order that no one is allowed to kneel on the battlefield! Have you forgotten the military order? When this battle is over, those who survived will all go and receive their own military skills! " Zhao Chen said coldly.

The soldiers were stunned and stood up one by one.

"All of you, ride on horseback and follow me east!" Their main force was about fifty miles away! If nothing unexpected happened, they would have already set up camp! It was dark now, the right time to attack them! Wait until daylight, we won't have such a chance! Follow me and charge! I am with you! " Zhao Chen said.

"Go!" Forward! " Zhao Chen said.

He led the way, Kang An led the five thousand Managed Cavalry to follow behind him! Although they had experienced a battle, Liu Jiajia's quality of cavalry was too low. Liu Jiajia was also in an ambush, they did not cause too much damage to Managed.

When they thought about how the Emperor was right in front of them and how the Emperor was with them, the Royal soldiers's emotions surged! They gritted their teeth and gripped their weapons tightly. They were willing to follow the Emperor into battle and would not be stingy with their lives! Since the Emperor was personally going to war and was not concerned about their safety, what was there for them to care about?

"His Majesty is equivalent to me!" Countless Royal soldiers had the same thought!

Liu Guangshi had already caught up to Li Qiong, and he did not scold him!

This time, it was truly unexpected, no one expected that Managed would appear there!

"Damnit, we'll be destroyed the moment we come into contact!" "Who knows how many of us twenty thousand cavalrymen will remain!" Liu Guangshi cursed.

"General, now do you see how powerful the troops under Emperor Xuanwu are?" Li Qiong said.

"Humph!" They only used tricks! In the dark night, they suddenly rushed out. If we weren't on guard, we definitely wouldn't be their match! Besides, they are up there and we are down there, so their advantage is too great! If it's a battle on the plains, our Liu's soldiers would not be below them! " Liu Guangshi said coldly.

"General, what do we do now?" Li Qiong said.

"Hmph, I observed that they only had a few thousand people! We still have seventy thousand soldiers behind us, and another seven hundred thousand soldiers behind us! Let's lead the 70,000 infantry behind us to attack them, and defeat them all! " Liu Guangshi said.

"General, it is night now. We can't see what's ahead of us! We'll deal with them tomorrow at daybreak! " Li Qiong said.

"If they had waited until daybreak, they would have already escaped!" Liu Guangshi frowned.

"General, we have already lost twenty thousand cavalrymen. We cannot lose another seventy thousand soldiers! These soldiers are the core of the general's power in this chaotic world. We cannot let them lose any of it! " Li Qiong said.

After Li Qiong finished, she was stunned! After a long while, Liu Guangshi nodded!

After another two hours, Liu Guangshi, Li Qiong and the rest finally returned to the 70,000 foot soldiers in Liu Jiajia! At this moment, these 70,000 infantry soldiers had already stopped. They were setting up camp!

Liu Guangshi was not in the mood to fight anymore. He thought for a while, then let Li Qiong report to the people behind, telling them that there was an enemy sniper attack in front!

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